Looking back over 2018; are you happy with what you’ve achieved so far or have you fallen short?

If you’re happy, great.

What can you take from the learning’s that you can keep applying throughout the rest of 2018?

If you’ve fallen short, what are you going to do about it?

Firstly ask yourself the question; is this still important to me?

If it’s a yes then great, there’s work to be done.

If it’s a no, then kick it into touch and move on to something that is important.

If you’re unsure and you’re oohing and aahing, then it’s a no…so kick it into touch as well.

Sounds harsh perhaps, however, we have so much going on at any one time in or lives that if it’s not 100% yes it’s a no then (certainly for now).

Another way of looking at it is; if you’re not jumping around and excited by it then that should be telling you something.

Back to those of you who have fallen short; don’t despair.

Now you’ve agreed it’s important to you, it becomes a matter of time!

Time that you are or aren’t dedicating to achieving what you want to achieve.

Now ask yourself the question; how much time do you need to be allocating each day / week to what you want to achieve?

The answer will give you another clue to whether or not it’s (really) important to you!

If you’re already coming up with excuses and saying to yourself you won’t be able to do much this week or next week, again it’s a sign.

If it’s a low amount of time then that’s OK depending on what it is you’re wanting to achieve.

So, how much time do you need to allocate each day / week?

Once you’ve settled on an amount the key is to plan it in to you diary.

Like the runner who sets their alarm an hour earlier to run before work;  or the writer who wants to complete their first book sets aside a 2 hour block each evening to just write.

Allocation of time is crucial because things will just crop up otherwise or you’ll be distracted by the many things going on in your life including social media or something on the TV.

Once you’ve allocated the time, do it and stick to it.

Have a planner visible to you each day and once you’ve achieved the allocation of time for the first day, draw a big red X onto the planner.

Repeat for day 2 and do the same for day 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.

Notice what happens after a few days. The mind has become focused and the drive to work towards your goal has become stronger each day.

Until next time, keep working harder.

Thanks for reading


Ask me a question me on Twitter 

Let me know through this blog how you’re getting on in 2018.

This week’s recommended reading is: The One Thing: The surprising simple truth behind extraordinary results by Gary Keller

This week’s recommended listening is; On Being with Krista Tippett

Featured image by Jordan Whitfield

Old pocket watch image by Rodion Kutsaev

NB. I’m pleased to have achieved my own personal goals so far in 2018.

Running 100km in January.

Walking 10,000+ steps each day (currently up to 42 days in a row).

No alcohol for 41 days (4th year in a row).

Writing a blog per week.

Currently reading my 4th book of the year (goal is to read 30).