When was the last time you asked yourself the question; what the f#*k am I doing?

Now we are through the whole new year new start mindset and discussions, ask yourself the question.

What the f#*k am I doing?

Before answering the question, reflect on the important areas of your life.
Don’t just think about work and your job, or home and your personal life.
Think about other aspects of your life; like family, friends, relationships, your health, exercise, you time.

Get clear in your own mind.
Don’t allow your judgement to be clouded by comparing your life to that of others.

Avoid the default answer of “everything is going well”.
You’re not being asked by old colleague or friend who you’ve not seen for a while, how things are going.

I keep reading articles about work life balance and top tips on how we can take control of our life.
Whilst they are (occasionally) interesting reads, they don’t get us to cut through the crap (of our thoughts) and get clear on what’s going on or what’s important.

Now there will be some people reading this who are very happy with their lives and the many aspects of their lives.
That’s cool.
For those of you who are not, stop searching through social media for the answers and get serious about ‘what the f#*k you’re doing’.

Remember it’s absolutely OK to admit that something isn’t right or going well.
When you work out what isn’t, you can begin to take action to address this.

Until the next time
Thanks for reading


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As always I’d love to hear your thoughts on ‘what the f#*k you’re doing.

For those looking for something different to listen to, check out the 2 podcasts below (which have provoked my thoughts to write this post);

Flintoff Savage and the Ping Pong Guy http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p05vqy65

Mantality – For the Millenial Mind https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/mantality-for-the-millennial-mind/id1239188241?mt=2

NB. At the tender age of 42 I may well be half way through my own life.
Hopefully I’ll live longer, though it could be shorter!
I ask myself ‘what the f#*k am I doing every week as I travel the country, meet new people and take on new challenges. As I’ve become clearer on what’s important in my own life, I’ve found it easier to say’no’to projects that don’t work for me.