Putting contribution at the forefront

Putting contribution at the forefront

On this episode I share my interview with Mark Whittle, host of the Take Fl1ght Podcast & Founder of Take Fl1ght and we explore how Mark came to put contribution at the forefront of what he was doing. On work-life balance Mark says; Everybody is very very...
Creating the space – episode 10

Creating the space – episode 10

Interview with Bri Seeley; life coach, reflector and an inspirational woman who talks passionately about creating the space. On this episode Bri shares her thoughts and personal experiences of operating from the inside out. Bri believes everything comes from within...
Being mindful

Being mindful

By chance, I’ve recently stumbled upon the practice of being mindful! One of my January goals has been to walk 10,000 steps each day. It’s not a lot (really) and I’m sure there’s many other people out there walking a lot further each day. It is...